Trademark Timeout
Struggling with standing out from the crowd?⠀
It’s all in the branding. ⠀
It’s why we buy things. It’s how we connect with our favorite businesses, companies, entrepreneurs, and even brand ambassadors. ⠀
Branding starts from Day 1. ⠀
It isn’t something you “work to achieve.” It isn’t something you just “fall into.” ⠀
It takes planning, thoughtfulness, and execution. ⠀
And legally legitimizing your brand name needs to happen on Day 1. ⠀
You need to make sure your brand name is cleared for takeoff or else you could suffer severe consequences later. (cease and desists, lawsuits, rebranding, etc.) ⠀
Then once you’ve cleared your brand name - it’s time to get it ®️registered! ⠀
THE WHAT: What will a trademark do for me? ⠀
A trademark is more than just an ® on your business name. Here’s the benefits of registering your business or brand name for trademark protection: ⠀
• You own the intellectual property in that name. That’s real property, with real value.
• Exclusive rights to that trademark nationwide.
• Trademarks help protect your business from other businesses using confusingly similar names. ⠀
• Licensing deals with other companies or individuals. ⠀
THE WHEN: You need to start the trademark clearance process early on. The longer you wait, the more susceptible you’re leaving yourself to legal headaches. ⠀
Wondering how to get trademarked? DM me to get started! *Disclaimer: This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.