Trademark Timeout
Does your business name/logo/slogan include word(s) in other languages?
When you’re deciding on a business name (or something to refer to your business by), one thing to keep in mind is the translation of the business name you choose if you’re using any words that are not in English.
What this means is that your business name/slogan/etc. isn’t necessarily “safe” just because it is the translation of another registered trademark in English.
On their face, the names may look different, are pronounced differently, and may not mean *exactly* the same thing. BUT, the USPTO will ask for the English translation of the name/logo/slogan that you are seeking to trademark, and if the translation is the same or very similar to another trademark, the USPTO may deem your mark too similar, or too confusing. Also, if the name, when translated, is simply descriptive and not unique, that is something the USPTO will consider as well.
Trademarks got you tongue-tied? Let’s chat.
*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.