Contracts 101
You’re using contracts for your business, right? If not - we need to talk! You NEED to be protecting your business and yourself (I’m looking at you, sole proprietors 👀). You’ve spent countless hours, funds, and efforts creating your why wouldn’t you protect all that hard work with a kick-butt business contract?
Alright, so you’re using contracts - the next step is fully understanding everything in your contracts like the educated, well-informed boss that you are. A great way to test this is to see if you can (with confidence) fully explain your contract(s) in non-legal terms.
If you’re not comfortable doing so, it’s ok - just make sure you do some research, or if available to you, speak with an attorney about exactly what your contracts say/mean before you continue using them. You’ll also feel 100x more confident should a client /customer/vendor, etc. want to negotiate the terms of your agreement.
If you have questions about the areas of your business that should have contracts, email me!
*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.