Trademark Timeout
™ I ℠ I ® - What do they stand for?
These three symbols each refer to your rights in your trademark or service mark - but when can you/should you use them? They’re not required...however using them (when you have the right to) is a super smart move.
• [™] is used for an UNREGISTERED trademark. Use this mark if you have a pending trademark application for goods and want to put the public on notice that you’re claiming the rights to your symbol/word/phrase/logo/etc.
• [℠] is used for an UNREGISTERED service mark. Similar to an unregistered trademark, but this is for services rather than goods. Use this mark if you have a pending service mark application.
***tip: if your mark includes both goods & services, use ™
• [®] is used for a REGISTERED trademark/service mark. Use this only if the USPTO has approved your application for your mark. Note that you don’t *have* to use it, but if you find yourself victim to infringement, it will make it a lot more difficult to prove later on.
Looking to secure that ® ? Still wondering how this applies to your brand? Let’s chat!
*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.