Trademark Timeout

Part of being a creative is your uncanny ability to name things.

Once you’ve crafted that catchy, unforgettable name, your next question should automatically be: ⁣

1) Is anyone else using this name? ⁣

Clearing your name/slogan through a proper trademark search is crucial. Why? It first ensures that your name is unique to your goods/services. More importantly, it ensures that you can keep using that name WITHOUT infringing on someone else’s trademark! ⁣

And we’re not just talking identical names, guys. You could be infringing on another trademark even if your name is a couple letters/words off of another registered trademark! ⁣

2) Once you’ve completed a comprehensive trademark search, it’s time to register that awesome name! ⁣

*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.


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