Trademark Timeout
The Kardashians. You love them, you hate them. One thing is for sure - they’re not going anywhere anytime soon. Not if they (or their infant/adolescent children) have anything to say about it!
Kim, Khloe, and Kylie recently filed trademark applications on behalf of Saint, North, Chicago, True, and Stormi. (Kudos if you know who belongs to who). These are presumably for future business use.
Can you really file a trademark application for your own NAME?
Technically, yes. If you have a legitimate reason for trademarking your name (i.e. you use it in conjunction with your business AND need to protect others from using it) you may be successful. You’ll still face additional hurdles, though: Is your surname common? Is your name used enough to have a secondary meaning? Is your name likely to cause confusion with another trademark? (Sorry #blueivy). Don’t worry, though. There are PLENTY of things (like your business name!) that you can *easily* trademark ®
Still feeling tongue-tied about trademarks? Email me with questions! I’d love to chat!
*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.