Trademark Timeline
Waiting until [insert reason here] to file your trademark application?
You may not want to wait after hearing these recent timeline updates.
As of August 2022, the @uspto is now taking approximately 9 to 11 months to assign your new application(s) to an examining attorney due to a high volume of applications. That means the entire registration process is now taking longer than a year!
What you need to know:
The earlier you get started, the earlier you’ll (hopefully) have a registered trademark for your business! Can you imagine being in limbo for almost an entire year waiting to find out if your business name/logo/slogan has been approved for use?
Swipe right for a sample timeline (that goes out to all of our trademark clients!)
*Reminder: Results are not guaranteed. If you’re ready to get started, feel free to schedule a Trademark Consultation via the Link in Bio .