The FTC and Podcasts
The Federal Trade Commission strikes again! The rise in popularity of influencer marketing alerted many Instagram users to the FTC and its regulations on marketing/advertising/sponsoring. But did you know that the FTC also regulates podcast endorsements?
When you have a podcast, you’re technically avoiding FCC regulation because you’re not on broadcast radio (you still can’t make defamatory statements, incite violence, etc.)
BUT if you’re reviewing a product/service, endorsing a product/service, advertising for a company/product on your podcast, or your sponsor expects a shout-out, you need to disclose this under the FTC regulations. And by disclose - I mean disclose the relationship clearly and conspicuously. Sometimes disclosing at the end of a podcast episode isn’t enough.
This is especially important for those of you that aren’t just podcasting for fun - and either are already making $$$, or eventually want to turn your podcast into a source of income in the future.
What is a good rule of thumb? Anything that you didn’t purchase:
1. on your own accord; and
2. at full price
...needs to be disclosed for you to be legally complying with FTC regulations.
Disclosures are my favorite. If you’re unsure about what you need to disclose, Let’s chat.
*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.