The FTC and Podcasts

The Federal Trade Commission strikes again! The rise in popularity of influencer marketing alerted many Instagram users to the FTC and its regulations on marketing/advertising/sponsoring. But did you know that the FTC also regulates podcast endorsements? ⁣

When you have a podcast, you’re technically avoiding FCC regulation because you’re not on broadcast radio (you still can’t make defamatory statements, incite violence, etc.)⁣

BUT if you’re reviewing a product/service, endorsing a product/service, advertising for a company/product on your podcast, or your sponsor expects a shout-out, you need to disclose this under the FTC regulations. And by disclose - I mean disclose the relationship clearly and conspicuously. Sometimes disclosing at the end of a podcast episode isn’t enough. ⁣

This is especially important for those of you that aren’t just podcasting for fun - and either are already making $$$, or eventually want to turn your podcast into a source of income in the future. ⁣

What is a good rule of thumb? Anything that you didn’t purchase:⁣

1. on your own accord; and⁣
2. at full price⁣

...needs to be disclosed for you to be legally complying with FTC regulations.⁣

Disclosures are my favorite. If you’re unsure about what you need to disclose, Let’s chat. ⁣

*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.


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