5 Ways to Keep Your Podcast Legal
Did you know that podcast listeners listen to an average of 7 different shows per week?
I’m a drive & listen kinda gal - (also dealing with LA traffic) so those numbers aren’t surprising.
Podcast popularity is projected to continue to grow, so if you currently have a podcast, or are working on starting a podcast to gain awareness for your business/brand, (or even just for fun) there are *really* important legal issues you need to be aware of:
• Make sure any images/clips/songs/recordings, etc. you are using aren’t infringing on someone’s copyright.
• Get permission (by way of a release) from everyone you interview/ have as co-host/ have as a guest. This will guarantee that you OWN the entirety of your recorded content & can effectively advertise.
• Treat your podcast like a business! Protect your podcast name & content from infringement via trademark and copyright protection.
• On that note, if your podcast has ads/sponsors/etc., also make sure your tax & licensing paperwork is in order - you’re possibly making $$$ and you’ll need to make sure your filings are squared away.
• Be mindful of your content. The first amendment offers free speech, but that doesn’t mean you can’t say certain things without consequences.
Questions about the legalities of your podcast? Let’s chat!
*Disclaimer* This post is strictly for general informational purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice.